"All this backed by the knowledge gained from experiments designed and conducted Equipment's used to design all the high voltage lines and post substation process."
Namdar Afroz Company for Promote the products with the aim of increasing quality, Established a quality control department with extensive laboratory facilities in a various type test of fittings. Also the company during the manufacturing activities, started to perform a variety of typing tests needed to ensure manufacturing quality Fittings Based on international standards in the 63 to 500 KV voltage levels and test the product in the accredited laboratories of the world. So that this type of reports received over 120 copies of various electrical and mechanical testing is supervised by counselors and employers.
All this backed by the knowledge gained from experiments designed and conducted Equipment's used to design all the high voltage lines and post substation process.
Laboratory facilities of the company are as follows.
"The image of the type test certificates is obtained from International Labs."
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Electrical type test of 63 KV T/L fittings Electrical type test of 132 KV T/L fittings Electrical type test of 230 KV T/L fittings Electrical type test of 266 KV T/L fittings Electrical type test of 400 KV T/L fittings Electrical type test of 500 KV T/L fittings texts here ... Damper ... text here Mechanical & Electrical type test of OPGW fittings